Are Vines Poisonous?

clematis vine with purple blossoms on white trellisThere are many plants that you can include in your garden. But in recent years, homeowners have been loving flowering vines, and for good reason. They are so beautiful and refreshing.

Including some vines in your yard is an innovative way to incorporate more nature into your backyard design.

However, some vines may also have toxins. These vines can cause poisoning for kids and pets so you must be very careful with them. But what are some of the most toxic vines out there?

Trumpet Creeper

Thanks to their majestic red blooms that grow to a superb trumpet shape, these vines are very popular among gardeners around the world. The Trumpet Creeper also grows very fast and would normally use tiny roots to grab onto anything.

The vines are also referred to as Chalice vines and despite their amazing look, they are also quite toxic. The entire foliage of these vines is poisonous.

The fruits, the flowers, and the sap released by the plant will also cause irritation and digestive issues if ingested.

As a rule, always wear gloves when pruning or handling these vines. You are also advised to wash your hands thoroughly with soap after handling the plant to reduce any risk of contamination.


Clematis Vines typically thrive in well-drained soils rich in nutrients. Often referred to as the queens of flowering veins, these plants will need at least six hours of direct sunlight to grow.

With their single and double coated blooms, clematis vines are incredibly beautiful and will add a touch of elegance to many landscapes.

But despite the amazing aesthetics, they are some of the most poisonous vines, especially if they are ingested. Common effects include digestive irritation, vomiting, and abdominal pains.


These woody vines tend to have an appearance of a shrub and they climb really fast. They are also very beautiful thanks to their white, violet, and blue flowers that glow in the sun.

However, the vines, especially the seeds, contain a substance called wisterin. This is a form of glycoside which is considered a very toxic resin.

If ingested, it will cause severe digestive issues, including vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc.

Virginia Creeper

Often referred to as the woodbine, this perennial vine is one of the fastest-growing climbing plants you can add to your garden. The vines come with distinct green flowers and produce lush foliage that will dazzle the eyes.

Although sometimes the vines can be confused with poison ivy, they are actually two different plants. While poison ivy is distinct with its three leaflets, the Virginia Creeper has five.

Nonetheless, it is still a very toxic vine especially the berries. They can cause severe digestive problems including bloody vomiting and serious kidney issues. The sap from the plant will also cause irritation and skin allergies as well.


No matter how beautiful vines are, the fact that they have a toxic side to them means that you have to be very careful when you grow them.

While this doesn’t mean you should avoid them altogether, a good rule would be to take extra precautions like washing your hands and wearing gloves when dealing with them.

Call us today.  Lawn Service Fort Worth would love to help you add some gorgeous vines to your landscape.  


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