Lawn Care Before Winter

lawn careBefore winter, we all enjoy our summertime on the lawn. But it’s important for you to keep it in good condition in the winter season. For that, you need to start taking care of your lawn before the winter season. You have to do some basic things that are necessary to keep your garden healthy.

In this article, you will get the full guide on how to take care of your lawn before winter. If you can follow these steps, then hopefully you will be able to take care of your garden even in the winter. So, now get ready to prepare your garden for this winter season.

Clear Trash

You need to make sure that you are clearing all the trash out of your lawn from time to time. Keeping trash and debris on your lawn can hurt the grass. Otherwise, you will see dead patches everywhere in your garden.

Dead patches can make your backyard look bad, so it is better to clean your yard regularly. With the right tools and a good attitude, cleaning your garden can be a family event.

You can make a place where you will be keeping a trash can. Sometimes dry leaves also work as a fertilizer. So try to clean your garden in a timely manner, so the buildup doesn’t build up!


This one is an important step for every gardener. Not every gardener knows when he should mow his garden. And then it creates a huge mess! Sometimes your grass gets too tall to remain healthy if you’ve neglected this chore. 

It is better to mow your garden in every 10 to 14 days. It gives your grasses a healthy condition. You can use a battery powered dethatcher. It will make your work easier than you think. You will be able to give your grasses a proper length, not too small or not too big.

0.75 inches of grass is perfect for the winter season. It takes time to grow. And meanwhile, you will be able to keep your garden healthy.


You have to make sure that you don’t forget about fertilizer. It is also one of the most significant steps that can keep your lawn healthy. You need to use natural compost to make sure your yard is perfect.

You can also use a store-bought fertilizer. But make sure it is 100% organic. It is better not to use chemical-based products for your garden.

Reduce Watering

Don’t think just because winter is a dry season, that means you need to water your garden frequently. In the cooler season, it is better not to  water your garden too much. You can just water your garden once a while and it will do the rest of the work for a few days.

Prepare Your Compost

You should make your compost by using organic waste material, such as old food scraps and lawn clippings. It will make natural compost that is great for your lawn. It will increase the fertility power of your garden.

Prevent Bugs

By cleaning your garden, you can stop mosquitoes. But if you do get bitten, then you can use homemade dog dental wipes. It will help you to get rid of the pain. You can also use these wipes to prevent bugs from coming to you in the first place.

Be Careful in the winter

If you think snow can damage your lawn, then you are wrong, because snow can actually protect your backyard. It protects your lawn from the crisp and bitter winter air. Don’t plow the snow. Otherwise, it can reduce the growth of grasses by making it patchy.

These are the steps that you need to follow before and after winter comes. These tips will make your lawn healthier.

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