Have you thought about incorporating landscape lighting near your pool? Adding landscape lighting near your pool can help to turn it into a true outdoor living space.
With just a few creative and strategic lighting elements, you can not only enhance the safety, but also create extra appeal and drama after the sun goes down.
One of the services we offer is landscape lighting and we also offer pool landscaping. Check out our landscaping service page for more information on how we can create the outdoor space you’ve been dreaming about.
Creative Ideas for Lighting Up Your Swimming Pool

You know that the proper lighting can make your swimming pool look stunning, but you might wonder what’s the best way to place lights around your pool for maximum effect. Here are some creative ideas for you to consider.
Lighting up any walkways that lead to the pool, either from your front or backyard, is essential. Place lights along these walkways and set them to shine towards your pool, drawing attention and creating an inviting atmosphere.
Seating Areas
You can use subtle lighting effects here if you have seating areas around your pool, such as chairs or loungers. String lights or overhead lights can create a warm charm without taking away from the pool’s beauty.
Steps and Water Features
Remember to include lighting on any steps leading into or out of the swimming pool. As well as making things safer, placing lights in this way will draw attention to any features in your pool, like water features or sculptures.
Patios and Decks
If you have a patio or deck near your swimming pool, adding some lights here can extend its use after dark and give it a unique nighttime atmosphere. Place ground lighting along railings and posts for consistent illumination in this area.
LED lights are a great investment and use less energy than other types of lights. See what energy.gov has to say about LED lighting.
Another idea that is using solar LED lights. The University of Arizona has published information about lighting up your outdoor space with solar LEDs.
Safety First: What to Consider When Placing Lighting

Regarding pool lighting, safety should always be your top priority. After all, pools are activity areas, and you want to ensure your pool is as safe as possible regarding lighting. So what should you consider when placing lights around your pool?
- See where people will most likely walk or enter the pool. You need to illuminate those areas for maximum visibility and to prevent slips or missteps. Consider adding some stone stepping stones to form a clear path to and from your pool. One of our specialities is stone work.
- Make sure that the lights you choose are waterproof. As most swimming pools are outdoors, they are exposed to different weather conditions and therefore require waterproof lighting components.
- Position your lights so that no one will end up standing directly in front of them too long.
Nothing looks better next to an inviting pool than a freshly manicured lawn. Let us do the hard work for you. Pop on over to our lawn mowing service page.
Other Types of Lights and Which to Use in the Pool
When it comes to pool lighting, you have more than just standard overhead lights to consider. Many people opt for changing lights and ones that offer a variety of colors and designs to make the pool come alive. Look at three main types of lights that can be used around the pool area.
Above-Ground Lights
These lights are installed in the walls around the pool, typically on the upper tier or higher up on the sides. These creates an ambient glow for those swimming below.
Submersible Lights
Submersible lights are placed underwater. Not only these give a soothing glow, but also enhance your ability to swim at night.
Landscape Lights
Landscape lighting is perfect for those who want to add light, but don’t want something glaringly. These lights are usually set up away from the pool area but still give off enough light so that it reflects in the water. It provides an extra layer of illumination without being too overwhelming.
Lighting around your pool is an essential factor to consider when designing the overall look of your backyard. With just a few strategically placed lights, you can make your pool area more inviting and enjoyable for everyone.